Autoquip’s Experience Building Lifts Leads to Innovative Parking System
Autoquip has decades of experience designing industrial scissor lifts and freight lifts to help manufacturers of every sector move and store heavy goods and materials of all kinds. While the majority of Autoquip projects are industrial or commercial, we also have a line of residential car parking lifts. Our car lifts are designed for the car dealer wanting to move their fleet to storage, or the homeowner wanting to solve for a residential parking constraint.
We recently teamed up with our dealer, American Custom Lifts to help a homeowner in LA who did not want to give up livable space of their new home construction for the garage space required of their five cars. Under city ordinance, they had limited footprint above ground available. So, our team of talented engineers configured an underground parking system that solved all the homeowner’s challenges.
Conveyor and Storage Rack Car Lift Parking System
The new home design includes multiple levels, therefore the car lift was designed to travel between three levels in a shaft way with the capacity to move vehicles off by a conveyor system and onto (2) lower-level storage racks. This is achieved by engineering the car lift with an over-sized hydraulic lifting platform embedded with a conveyor system, as well as each slot within the storage racks is also equipped with a conveyor. The homeowner can control the operation of this parking system through a touchscreen HMI panel. This provides a visual screen of the system to allow the homeowner to park a car by selecting which storage space is available and transporting the car to the designated space. They can also select which car should be conveyed off the storage rack and onto the lift, raised up to driveway level for the homeowner’s use.
Trends among automobile enthusiast is to build their ideal showroom garage to display and store their prized possessions. Autoquip, along with our dealer American Custom Lifts, are ready to make those dreams come a reality with our innovative solutions, and our years of proven design engineering of lifting technology.