Omni-Directional Wind Generator using Autoquip Lifts

Autoquip T1 Scissor Lifts Used In Testing Tool for EPA Emissions Testing of Large Trucks and Buses.
Project Challenge
The National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory in Ann Arbor needed a tool to test large buses and heavy-duty trucks for fuel economy and emissions. They wanted the tool to simulate driving conditions in a real-time setting.
Our Solution
Autoquip partnered with Vehicle Technologies Inc. who specializes in the design of Omni-directional vehicles to supply two of our T1 scissor lifts as part of their Omni-Directional Wind Generator. A mobile fan is mounted to fixtures positioned on the lift platforms. The two lifts are synchronized to raise the fan that will allow for airflow to be directed at the trucks from a variety of distances, angles, and elevations.
The Results
With our design and manufacturing flexibility, we were able to work with Vehicle Technologies, Inc. to custom design two scissor lifts to integrate with their Omni-Directional Wind Generator. This new tool will allow the EPA to test more trucks in shorter timeframes.