President Joe Robillard Talks about Autoquip Commercial Lifts

Autoquip’s President, Joe Robillard sat down recently with Paula Burkes, a reporter from the Daily Oklahoman to talk about his career, family and his “uplifting” job in manufacturing.
Robillard told the Daily Oklahoman that he has spent his entire career in manufacturing, but his 14-year career at Autoquip has been the pinnacle. Robillard believes the products that are manufactured at Autoquip add value to the world. “Autoquip specializes in custom-designed lifts for companies across all industries. Products range from portable dock lifts to “big, heavy honkin’ lifts,” Robillard said. Freightlifts for retailers, work platforms for the aerospace industry, and even car lifts for people’s private homes.
The following includes an excerpt from the article’s Q&A:
Q: Tell us a little more about Autoquip.
A: We have a cadre of 12 mechanical engineers, who custom design 70 percent of our lifts to meet our clients’ unique lifting needs for material handling. In 2009, we acquired American Lifts, a competitor that was based outside Indianapolis, and have maintained that brand and technology. We manufacturer some 1,200 lifts annually, which can take anywhere from four weeks to 14 weeks and longer to make, including sheering pieces, welding and assembling. We believe we have the best employee base in the industry.
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