Autoquip’s Great Lakes Regional Manager Speaks at Local SME Chapter
Autoquip’s Regional Sales Manager, Dave Lamon who covers the Great Lakes region was recently invited to speak at The Society of Manufacturing Engineers – local Lexington, Kentucky chapter. Dave who has over 35 years of material handling industry experience and who has worked at Autoquip for the past 14 years, presented to the group a company overview and demonstration of Autoquip’s capabilities and industries served. Specifically, the automobile industry and how Autoquip’s work platforms, lift and turn tables can increase productivity and safety for the automobile assembly process.
The group of attendees included companies who integrate and provide product to the tier one and tier two manufacturers/distributors for Toyota; as well as other manufacturers in the greater Lexington KY area. Also, in attendance were several University of Kentucky College of Engineering students. This was great opportunity for Autoquip to reach out to graduate students and staff engineers who are the future of the material handling industry. “For Autoquip to have this opportunity to present to an organization like SME and to have access to industry influencers and future managers are important to our growth and success, “commented Dave Lamon. “Informing them of our products and solutions can help them bring new ideas and recommendations as they charged with improving and streamlining manufacturing and handling procedures.”
The presentation included a video and photographs of some of Autoquip’s most recent projects including Vasari Personal Parking Solutions for the residential customer.
Attendees participated in a good exchange of questions and comments.